Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Micro-Assignment! Deadline-Monday 10 a.m.

Welcome all of you!

So, you've finally made it here. Great! Now the next step is to figure out how to blog. Many of you may be fluent with this already. Whether you are or not, I expect this assignment will quite literally be a 'piece of cake' for you. Before you can do anything else, I would like all of you to do a quick test post. Follow these instructions:

1) Click 'New Post' on your top right. In the main text area, write a line or two about your favorite dessert. Be specific- talk about colors, aromas, textures.
2) Download a picture of your favorite dessert from google images. (It does not have to be exactly what you described, just find something close enough. But only JPEGS of medium size, around 100kb please).
3) Upload your picture to blogger. To do this, click on the small image of the scenery near the spell check icon. Choose the file from your saved location and follow the steps till you hit the 'done' button.
3)Title your posts relevantly, as mentioned in the handout.
4) Meta-tag it.
5) Publish your post.

This is fairly simple. It should not take you more than 10 minutes to do. The purpose of this micro-assignment is to find out if any of you need more help with the basics of blogging. I will publish an example to show you how it's done. It's due Monday at 10 a.m. and have fun while you're at it!

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