The ad's attempt to appeal to women conscious of their weight is poorly done. The advertisement is cluttered. It is clear that the different size of fonts were trying to emphasize weight. However, the ad uses too many serif and san serif fonts. The reader's are struggling with what they should read first. The use of color also detracts attention away from the point of the ad. Some words are in a pale pink which makes it harder for the audience to read the whole ad. Many of the words are spaced in the ad. As a result, the ad looks a lot busier. Lastly, they are promoting tape worms as a way to lose weight. No woman would ever eat worms in order to lose pounds.
I don't like how they made 'Fat' the largest word in the add. For something promoting a weight-loss technique, I think it would make more sense to have 'Stay Thin' as the largest text on the page.