Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Annie Leibovitz

Syracuse was extremely lucky this year to have Annie Leibovitz as a guest speaker. Before Thursday, Annie Leibovitz was a surreal person who I only recognized through amazing portraits and magazine covers. As she spoke about her children and told personal stories from her career, I began to see her as an ordinary person. She is very low key and down to earth considering she has photographed the Queen and John Lennon. Leibovitz's talent has led her to not only meeting a huge amount of famous people, but traveling the world. Conde Nast traveler allowed Leibovitz to basically chose the places she would go to shoot pictures. However, Leibovitz explained how found more success in her portraits. Though she may say she doesn't have a favorite photo, she did show a portrait of her mother which she loves. I found it very meaningful when she explained how her mother was the only person she ever photographed who was looking at her, not the lens. Annie Leibovitz spoke greatly of her family and you could tell she has a very close relationship with them. She did focus on her niece, who we can also thank for having Leibovitz come. Attending this event allowed me to finally see Annie Leibovitz as a person, not through the photos of either the pregnant Demi Moore or the barely clothed Miley Cyrus.

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