Erica Murphy | Website rationale
My non-for-profit event is affiliated with a club that I was involved with in High School. I chose this specific club because it was the club I was the most involved with in high school. I chose the annual bowl-a-thon because I had my own pictures from previous events. I thought that this would make it easier to create a design when I already knew what visuals to use.
Design strategy
I chose to use a 12-grid system because I felt that my containers were too large for the 16-grid system. I also thought that spreading objects and type across two columns was easier to design. I used the same color pink throughout each page and just changed the opacity to create visual continuity. Pink is the official color of the Susan B. Komen foundation, so I thought this worked well with the theme of the bowl-a-thon. I used a bowling ball to dictate which page was the main page and kept the circle theme going with the shape of my pictures. I also used a bowling pin on each page to hold extra information and to help contain the main text.
Choice of Type
I wanted to use somewhat girly and fun fonts to contrast the brown, boyish colors of the bowling ally. I couldn’t find the font I wanted for the headline in suitcase, so I found a font on dafont.com titled Sooperfresh. I used Emmascript for the links on my web pages and trade gothic LT Std for the body text. The script and sans serif fonts provide a nice contrast to each other.
I really like the shade of pink you used on this website, and it was obviously a good choice since pink is the official breast cancer color. I think making the main container see-through was a creative touch, and the cursive font is really girly and cute- which I think is appropriate and contrasts the boyish colors of the bowling well nicely. The circular pictures were also a great touch since it's more visually appealing, and resembles the shape of a bowling ball.