Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week Nine - Schwartz


For my logo design, I spend a lot of time playing with different variations of my initials. Because I do not have a visual name, I struggled with trying to find an effective way to communicate a sense of myself. I wanted to create a unique and interesting logo, but one that focused on simplicity. I tried to find a way to incorporate my major, PR, into my logo as well, but any design I could think of that incoroporated this idea was not very cohesive. I decided to go for a broad design so that it would appeal to any field I may use my stationary set for, and I think that this worked out for the best. I toyed around with many design ideas using my initials, but in the end chose this one because I felt it was the best portrayal of the message I wanted to give across.


I used the pen tool to design my logo itself, and created a sans serif typeface. Because of this decision, I wanted to maintain consistency and so I used sans serif type for the rest of my fonts as well. In the beginning I tried combining many typefaces, but in the end I chose to use Avenir LT Std throughout to provide a nice compliment to the logo. I developed a real fondness for this font family because it includes so many variations and therefore provided my stationary set with variety yet consistency. I like the cleanness and clarity that the font gives off and I think it provided a lot for the overall project.


I chose to use minimal color, but I thought that using a little bit provided a new touch for my logo. I have not used color in my previous projects, so I thought that I would try something new by adding color for this one. I chose red because it is a strong and prominent color, and I did not want to use any color that would be too weak because I felt it defeated the purpose. I am not very girly, so I shied away from purples and pinks. I thought red was very neutral, yet still made a statement. I chose to keep my logo on regular paper stock, and the only marks I used were the ones included in my logo itself. I did not add any symbols or embellish with any things of the sort, as I felt that would have taken away from my goal of simplicity.

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