Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Leibovitz lecture- Mikaelian

Annie Leibovitz is an extremely inspirational photographer. She began her professional work at Rolling Stone in the 70s, photographing events such as Nixon stepping down and the famous John & Yoko Ono cover. She has had more accomplishments than any other photographer, and now holds the spot for the first and second magazine cover ever. Leibovitz says she loves photographing landscapes, even though she has shot hundreds upon hundreds of amazing covers for magazines like Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and Vogue. She showed photos of her work, starting off with black and white photos that I thought were truly inspiring, since they were done with no digital photography what-so-ever. She then showed photos all the way up to her family and current work, the home of a famous poet. My favorite photograph that she showed was an image of a person standing in between two huge stone walls, and in the slit of the stone walls you could see a beautifully structured gothic building. The woman in the photo was also standing on a rock and she is so tiny that the size of the stone walls and the white building you see through the slit almost resembles the woman seeing a white light. The woman in the photo is one of her dear friends who has since passed away. Annie Leibovitz is definitely the most famous photographer of all time, and it was amazing to hear her speak about her work and tell the stories behind the photos- especially how she got the shot of Queen Elizabeth "outdoors" (it was actually a backdrop) and the story behind her favorite photo, the photograph of her mother.

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