Design Strategy:
For my logo I decided to use ivy because of my name. I focused more on the name and how I can use the visual within the stationery, business card, and envelope. I wanted to incorporate the ivy into my logo so viewers will know that is how I want to be represented.
The typeface I used was Optima Standard. I thought this sans serif was clean and simple. I didn’t want the font to be distracting because of the visuals I used in my logo. I took into account the readability of the font. I felt Optima is an easy font to read yet still appealing to my logo. In my business card, I put my first and last name in uppercase because it drew more attention to my name. In addition, I felt that the uppercase leads to the ivy vines.
I created my logo mark in illustrator. I used the pen tool to create all the vines for my logo mark. After I used the pen tool, I added the vines that were in the brush library. I changed the coloring for each of the vines that were in my stationery, business card, and envelope. In my business card I added shadows to a couple of the ivy. I put the shadow on 75%. For the business card I put the contact information on R247, G156, and B142 with a tint of 10%. The background I used was pantone 8442C. For my stationery, I lightened the vines to appear transparent. I used R49, G75 and B25 coloring with the type pantone 8442C. Lastly, for the envelope I used R74, G97, and B57 for coloring letters. I used R28, G63, and B29 for the vines.
I really love the direction in which you chose to go for this project. You managed to keep all the delicate and visual beauty of your name without including too much or other elements that would've ruined it. Your choice of color and placement was also great in that they complement your name and the logo well. I love it !