Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 9- Project post

I have been having major issues with my flash drive in recent weeks and for some reason I am not able to upload my jpeg files into this blog. I will try to go to the help desk tomorrow to try and post my logo. My logo was very simple, it was Matt D. Cohn with the D being the Superman logo. I could not think of a visual to put on my logo, I though an ice cream cone was too cheesy and a business suit or a tie was too generic, so I decided to use the Superman logo. Although it may appear a little flashy to some people my idea is that it is loud enough to make everyone stop and look again. I decided to use the standard superman colors of blue, yellow, and red because I felt they were universally known. I never usually use Matt in a formal manner, but the symmetry of between a four letter first and last name gave my logo a great visual appeal. I went with Times for my font hoping that using such a traditional font would help make my business card appear more professional despite a bright visual. For the font color I stuck with the Superman colors to create a nice visual hierarchy throughout all my pieces of stationary.

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