These are part of a series of iPod ads with different colored backgrounds and silhouettes. They are great examples of use of color. The bold colored background gives a strong energy to the ad.
The colors in each ad are very vivid, trendy, and modern. The ad is extremely simple otherwise, with just a black silhouette and the white iPod and headphones.
I think these ads are awesome examples of well used color
The use of color in these adds is very good. I like how the background color is brought back in the outline of the person to unify the two layers and create kind of harmony between the two.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion these ads are the best example of silhouette and gestalt principles with color. The black silhouette on bright colored backgrounds really grabs viewers' attention. The fact that all of the advertisements are so similar but different as well makes it easy for consumers to tie these ads to the ipod brand, which will help people remember the name.