This advertisement is for raising awareness of skin cancer, and uses the image of a woman in the summertime about to tan on a beach with an orange towel. The colors of this ad definitely increase gestalt principles, for the blanket is a very harsh shade of orange many often associate with the color one's skin gets when he or she has tanned too much. The color of the towel is also mimicking the color of the woman's skin - although we cannot make out her skin color exactly, we can tell it has a tanned-orange hue to it. Overall, the colors of the entire beach scene are very saturated and harsh, depicting the severity of damage the suns rays have inflict on a person if they do not take the proper precautions before they tan. The only text on the ad says, "Please take care this summer." I think this ad demonstrates the power of color and gestalt principles very well.
I really liked the message of this ad. I thought they conveyed their message clearly by using the blanket as a pseudo person who tans excessively.