Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cohn- week 6 poster

Unfortunately I couldn't post my poster because I saved it as an InDesign file which can't open on my computer and a jpeg instead of a jpg. The jpeg file won't properly upload onto blogger. My poster was for a not-for-profit group that sponsors inner city youths the chance to enjoy a summer camp experience, with the idea that the camp experience provides an educational experience that cannot be taught in a class room. After speaking with a member of the group, SCOPE, he said they usually target adults with deep pockets who enjoyed the camp experience as a child. That is when I decided I wanted my poster to be simple and to appear as if a child did it. I wanted there to be one central image, which was the sun, and a my main slogan, "Help bring Light to those Who Need it Most." For my typefaces I chose Handwriting Dakota for my main slogan, which looks very childish and almost as if a kid wrote it, then I used Comic Sans for my description of the group as well as the event information, because it is a little more professional but yet still child-like. I felt that I achieved the gestalt look by having my main slogan and central image centered on the poster, the description of the group aligned to the left, and the event information aligned to the right. I think my poster was very appealing and basic enough that it will get people's attention and keep it.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the real poster- it looks great! I really liked your skills with the sun and it was clear that you spent a lot of time with tracing.
