Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week One - Onushco

In this ad, the advertiser is trying to appeal to the potential consumers by using the professional opinion of a doctor. It could be assumed that, in order to maintain the professionalism, the advertiser would want to use a font that gives the consumer a feeling of seriousness and officialism. Rather, the cigarette company uses font that looks rather playful, which is the exact opposite of what the ad is trying to get across. Even the red lettering displays a playful manner. The company should have gone with a much more serious font.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you, Alex. I would think that everyone respects his or her doctor and considers their opinions official, serious, ect. The font does not reflect the manner of the saying. As you were saying, color is playful and fun. However, the red seems to be highlighting the brand "CAMEL" solely for brand recognition purposes. The exclamation mark also adds to the playfulness of the ad. To me this ad looks completely ridiculous but I cannot relate to the times.
