Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week Four Schwartz

Strategy: When designing my resume, my aim was to produce a creative but professional expression of self. I wanted to add personality to my design and structure without taking it over the top. Because of my major, PR, I wanted to create a resume that would be broad enough to apply to a spectrum of jobs. I knew that it would be seen by mostly professionals, so I wanted to spark individuality in a different way. I made my wordmark creative while still maintaining its quality. I kept my resume bold and to the point, highlighting the information and experiences that I have had. I like the simplicity that it contains. I did not use color or any intricate design work for this reason as well, maintaining the quality of my content.

Typefaces: For my wordmark and headers, I used Eurostile LT Std. I liked this font because it was bold and also quirky. I was particularly drawn to the sans serif fonts, as I also used Thornburi for my body text. I like the clean cut image they portray. I chose to make my wordmark in all caps for a bold effect, and as a way to draw attention to the prominence of my name. I liked both these typefaces because they provided uniqueness through a seemingly simple font. I chose to maintain a pattern of bold, black, lettering through the entirety of my resume to keep consistently through style.

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