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Friday, February 5, 2010

Week Three - Igbeare

In Lupton’s chapter about Text, he states, “roman letters are designed to sit side by side, not on top of one another.” I understand the concept of this ad and I commend the message it is trying to convey. The ad displays big to small uppercase and lowercase in a stacked position going downward. The font is a little distracting which makes the text a little hard to read. I like the black backdrop against the white lettering. However, the thick strokes are too blunt. As the readers follow the text it becomes more difficult to read since “curiosity” is in such a small font. It doesn’t make it better that the question mark is a bigger size than “our” and “curiosity.”


  1. I actually like the blunt and thick letters because I think it makes all the words blend together into 1 object which i think is what the ad was going for. Depending on how you look at the ad you can see all the words or you can see one solid object. I think a thinner more readable text would take away from the design of the article.

  2. Visually, I really like this ad. But when it comes down to it, an advertisement is trying to get a point across, and the thick font gets extremely difficult to read the smaller it gets. People should be able to read text quickly and easily, and this ad does the opposite, therefore people won't take the time to read it and will be less likely to pay attention to the organization it's representing.

  3. I like this ad as well however, I completely agree that reading the add is differently difficult especially at a first glance. People are impatient and probably are unwilling to sit and take that much time to figure out what this ad is saying.

  4. I think this ad does a good job of articulating the idea at hand. Although it is difficult to read, I think it is suitable for the advertisement at hand. Perhaps it could be a bit clearer, but overall I think that it draws your eye to the parts that matter.

  5. I actually like the way of displaying the letter big to short. I think this particular design grabbed more the consumers’ attentions because of this small letters which people have to look closely. Also on the bottom left corner there is red box “The Economist” which is a magazine. I think the designer for this ad wanted to express message in different way but also try to place their name of the magazine into the small letter part so that people can see the message and the magazine name at the same time.
