Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week Three- Mikaelian

When reading Lupton's "Text," I was really interested in the word exercise portion of the chapter. I think it's interesting how manipulating a text so little can make it so much more interesting. A perfect example of a word exercise is the Dell computer logo, which has a disrupted "e." The slanting of the "e" makes this simple logo a little more interesting than it would be if the text was just in one straight line. The slanted "e" is said to represent the buildings where the computer company was founded, or just to make the simple word stand out and grab people's attention. Simple quirks in the way a headline, logotype or any other kind of text such as this automatically help create a meaning for the word, as is said by Lupton, and is extremely helpful with creating a brand for the product.


  1. I never realized before what the E could stand for, but it does give a bit of personality to the company. Knowing that it might reflect the buildings in which the company was founded adds a personal touch and a bit of cleverness to the logo. Dell has definitely done a good job of making their brand name stand out.

  2. I realized how this Dell logo represents the company so well. I also heard about the dell company that the letter "E" is a shape of a diamond which represents the wealth and sucess for the company. I learned how this simple type of logo has a great ability to grab a consumers attentions and I think Dell successfully done so well.
