Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week Four- Mikaelian

For my resume, I wanted to create something that was professional yet modern and unique. As a public relations major, I will be applying for internships in the music industry and pr firms. Public Relations is still a very new career, and I feel in order to be successful in it you have to be professional, but "up-with-the-times." Because of this, I wanted my resume to look sophisticated and clean, but very current as well.

I decided to use a sans-serif font for both my name and the body text, since I feel it's more sleek. For my name I used ITC Avante Garde, and flipped it so it goes down the right side of my paper. I also bolded my last name to add contrast, and wrote my entire name in lower-case. ITC Avante Garde has an extremely large x-height, so I felt that upper-case were unnecessary and would ruin the layout of the wordmark. I also used Avante Garde for the headers, and Trade Gothic for the body text.

In order to make my resume stand out, I used deep purple accents throughout the page. I used purple lines to lead the reader's eye from my name to my contact information, and used the same purple lines under the headers of each section to tie everything together. I also used the same color purple bullets to separate my contact information, information for each job i've had, and for every other bullet point I used on the resume.

I feel that I was very successful in creating a resume that represents me, and will also help me stand out to employers while still looking professional and clean.

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