Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Friday, February 26, 2010

Week Six- Schwartz

For this project, I had to consider the best way to portray my sorority’s annual philanthropy event, Phi Hoops. I wanted to create a unique poster for this event, but one that would stand out in people’s minds and be remembered. I focused my design around simplicity in an effort to portray the focuses of the event without going overboard with detail. I wanted to avoid clutter, so I chose a few simple images that would succeed in providing a noteworthy image. I aimed my design at a visual appearance, using the text to contribute to the visual appeal of the overall image while still maintaining a quality of usefulness for the poster at large.

I chose my typefaces carefully, using Motter Corpus Std as the typeface for my visual text, due to the way that I filled it with a clipping mask. However, because I chose to use an artistic text for my main typeface, I had to be careful to choose a simple text for my event information. I chose Verdana Bold, a sans serif, so that it would not take away from the text I wanted to emphasize. I made sure to use a visual hierarchy, drawing the eyes to my image and using the event information as supplementary. Beneath the logo I used ITC Lubalin Graph Std, because I felt like it worked to have a more detailed font go with this artistic logo. My target audience is college students, because this event occurs on campus to raise money for my sorority’s philanthropy, so I saw this creative decision as beneficial in reaching the youthfulness of my viewers while still providing readability.

The most intense part of my poster to create was the image in my text, as I clipped an image of a basketball to fill the type. It was difficult to find a picture that was big enough for the font to remain unpixelated when enlarged. I thought that it was a good idea to fill the letters with this image to portray the visual of a basketball in a creative way. It is also the only color on my poster. I shaped my text into a basketball shape, which contributes to my design. Overall, I think that my poster provides an effective visual of my idea and event while preserving an artistic flare

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