Welcome to the Official Class Blog of GRA217- Section 4

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week One- COHN

After reading the first chapter, "Letter," I have started to learn more about what constitutes good type and bad type. In my opinion, mixing different fonts is not a bad thing as long as it does become confusing for the audience. I think mixing one, two, maybe three fonts max can make a logo or an ad stand out to the reader, but the more fonts used the more difficult it is for the reader to understand what is being said. In the ad about a steamship cruise, where a dozen different fonts are used, it is very difficult to read what is being advertised. To me, it looks like twelve different ads on one page, and until I read the blurb next to the picture I thought it was an old ad for a full moon viewing and live band. It wasn't until I read the blurb that I grasped what the ad was trying to communicate. I think more fonts equal more confusion and less power or efficiency in an advertisement.

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