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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week Three| Murphy

I agree with Lupton that there is "beauty and wonder of white space," but I think that white space can also be really ineffective. It is definitely not a good idea to clutter up an ad or a page because the message can get lost. However, the message can also get lost when all the eye can see is vast amounts of white. When not used correctly, white space can draw the eye away from the focus of the ad like in the example of the Orrick ad. This ad turns me away from the product or company because I never really look for what the ad is trying to sell me. Instead I focus on the blank areas of the ad. However in the other Ad, the white space draws me in because of how the stethoscope blurs into the background. The object also breaks up the white space, so I’m not looking at a big chunk of emptiness.


  1. I definitely agree with Erica that white space can work, when used in the right way. The top ad is extremely effective with its use of white space. The dark stethoscope contrasts with the white space, which is eye catching. Also, the stethoscope is drawing the audience in right to the beginning of the phrase they want the audience to read. Following the stethoscope with your eyes allows you to read the ad and recognize the brand. Overall, I think white space is hard to work with but can be both plain and powerful.

  2. I usually like white space, especially in advertisements. The less clutter the easier it is to understand what message the ad is trying to get across.

  3. Having a blank canvas of white space is definitely an eye catcher when done correctly. I agree with you Danielle that the first ad is very effective. The stethoscope really jumps off the page and creates a great line of delivery for the viewers eyes to the text. However, the second ad is almost too bare, great example of how white can be great and also not so great.

  4. I am a huge fan of white space- but as Erica said, when it's used the right way. The advertisement with the stethoscope is very appealing to the eye because the lighting and positioning is great. Also, the font is modern and the roundness of the letters compliments the cleanliness of the ad. The other advertisement, on the other hand, looks like someone just plopped a picture and text on a blank page- the white just makes it look boring and doesn't enhance the ad at all.
